
Artisteer — Turn Off Responsive Layout — WordPress

I recently came across some trouble with my menus in WordPress.  My menus would stack on resize.  This was because it was responding to small screens.  I did not want that feature.

I can be fixed with CSS but it can also be fixed before exporting from artisteer. 
Choose Options in the lower right


Then turn off responsive


Marcos Levy


Customizing Gigpress Plugin for WordPress

Gigpress is a great tool for listing events on your wordpress sites.  (for example, my music shows)

With a little CSS tweaking you can get just the right look for your list.  You will need to copy the gigpress.css filefrom the plugin folder to your theme folder.  Gigpress automatically looks in the theme folder before using its default settings.  DO NOT move the file.  Just copy it so you will always have a file to fall back on.

You will also need to make a folder inside you theme folder called “gigpress-templates“.  You will copy the file show-list.php from the template folder in gigpress and place it in this new folder.


Now you can mess with the files to your heart’s content.  for more info goto http://gigpress.com/docs/



Marcos Levy